Using a hoist - bed to chair
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Using the Invacare 180 Kilogram Lifting Hoist
The Invacare hoist is designed for safe, efficient patient transfer. Here, we provide a detailed walkthrough of the process, ensuring optimal handling and safety of the patient and caregivers.
Checking the Hoist
The first step is to check the hoist's working order. Start by locating the label to verify its validity date. This hoist certification should be renewed every six months.
Testing the Hoist Operation
Press the power button located below the battery, twist it, and ensure the hoist opens up correctly. Test the control buttons to ensure the hoist arm can move both up and down freely. Also, familiarise yourself with the emergency stop or release mechanism, a critical feature when a patient is stuck at a height and needs to be lowered quickly.
Inspecting the Full Body Sling
Examine the stitching of the sling by starting from the middle and moving outwards towards the arm straps, checking for any tears or rips. Continue down the body of the sling, scrutinising the material itself for any damage. Do the same for the leg straps and the inside of the sling. Once all parts have been inspected and deemed safe, the sling is ready for use.
Preparing the Patient
It's essential to maintain clear and patient communication throughout the process. Before any movement, ensure the patient's consent and comfort. Adjust the bed height as necessary for optimal patient handling.
Positioning the Sling
For sling positioning, gently roll the patient to one side, allowing the caregiver to place the sling correctly. Make sure the patient's body aligns with the designated areas on the sling. Once the sling is properly positioned, roll the patient back to a resting position.
Attaching the Sling to the Hoist
Move the hoist to the bed and spread its feet for stability. Attach the sling's straps to the hoist, ensuring they're of equal length. Note: Crossing the leg straps helps prevent the patient's legs from spreading apart, preserving their dignity.
Transferring the Patient
Once the sling and hoist are securely attached, communicate to the patient about the upcoming lift. If the patient experiences any discomfort or pain during the lift, stop immediately to check their condition. As the hoist lifts the patient, lower the bed to a safe height.
Positioning the Hoist
With the patient suspended in the hoist, manoeuvre them gently away from the bed. At this point, rotate the patient to face the hoist, ensuring their feet don't hit any obstacles. Remember: the hoist is a transferring aid, not a moving aid. It should be used for transferring from the bed to a chair or vice versa.
Lowering the Patient into the Wheelchair
Bring the wheelchair as close to the patient as possible. As you lower the patient into the wheelchair, ensure they are positioned as far back in the chair as possible for maximum comfort.
Removing the Sling
After transferring, it's time to remove the sling. Certain slings allow patients to sit in them; others should be removed immediately to prevent damage or discomfort. Always ensure patient comfort and safety during this process. Ask the patient to lean towards each side while you and another caregiver carefully remove the sling from underneath.
Finalising Patient's Position
Once the sling is removed, adjust the patient's position in the wheelchair for their comfort. This completes the process of using the Invacare 180 kilogram hoist.