Online Moving and Assisting of People Level 2 (VTQ)

62 videos, 3 hours and 14 minutes

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Keeping people comfortable when moving them

Video 32 of 62
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Ensuring Comfort and Safety in Moving and Handling Operations

Gaining Consent and Recognizing Individual Needs

Before engaging in any moving and handling operations, it is crucial to gain consent from the individual and review their care plan to determine the level of assistance required. The focus should be on keeping the individual comfortable and creating a safe environment.

Reassuring Communication and Positive Body Language

Effective communication involves reassuring the individual and using open, positive body language. Empathy and understanding play a key role in fostering a sense of safety during the moving and handling process.

Promoting Comfort and Dignity

Comfort and dignity are essential considerations, especially when aligning with legislation like the Human Rights Act. Ensuring the individual feels comfortable involves addressing their concerns, fears, and past experiences of rough treatment.

Regular Checks and Explanation of the Process

Regular checks on the individual's support plan and care plan are necessary to identify any changes or updates. Open communication and explanation of the process help alleviate any fears or trepidation the individual may have due to previous experiences.

Proper Techniques and Equipment

Explaining the use of appropriate techniques and equipment, such as the placement of slide sheets, slings, and straps, should be done to ensure the individual's comfort and safety. Attention should be given to avoiding creases in slings and preventing shearing during movements.

Settling the Individual and Ensuring Comfort

Once the move is completed, the individual should be settled back into a chair, bed, or commode while maintaining their comfort and dignity. The removal of slings or other equipment should be done carefully and considerately.

By prioritizing comfort, safety, and open communication throughout the moving and handling process, healthcare providers can ensure the well-being and satisfaction of the individuals they support.