Online Moving and Assisting of People Level 2 (VTQ)

62 videos, 3 hours and 14 minutes

Course Content

Odd-Shaped Objects

Video 30 of 62
3 min 22 sec
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Moving Odd-Shaped Objects: Proper Techniques and Considerations

Understanding the Nature of Odd-Shaped Objects

Recognising Unique Characteristics

Not all items to be moved have a regular shape like a square box. Objects such as chairs, hoists, or wheelbarrows present their own challenges due to their awkward shapes. It is crucial to gather information about the specific item and plan accordingly.

Exploring Alternative Moving Methods

Considering Different Approaches

Before attempting to lift an odd-shaped object, evaluate if there are alternative ways to move it. For example, if the item has wheels, utilising them can make the task easier and reduce the need for lifting. Assess the feasibility of moving the item alone or if assistance is required.

Performing a Risk Assessment and Planning

Ensuring Safety and Efficiency

Prior to moving the object, conduct a risk assessment to identify potential hazards and injury risks. Plan the route and anticipate any challenges that may arise during the movement. Secure the load if necessary to prevent unexpected opening or shifting.

Coordinating with the Lifting Partner

Effective Communication and Cooperation

When lifting with a partner, discuss and agree on the lifting technique. Determine whether a partial lift or a full horizontal lift is more suitable, considering the weight distribution and maintaining a level position. Maintain open communication during the movement to ensure coordination and adjust the plan if needed.

Adapting to Changing Situations

Flexibility and Adaptability

Be prepared to make adjustments during the move if the situation requires it. Monitor the item's behaviour and make necessary corrections to ensure safety. Secure the object as needed throughout the process and stop the movement if any unexpected issues arise.

Final Placement and Safety Considerations

Ensuring a Safe Conclusion

Once the item has been successfully moved, place it in the desired location securely. Double-check for any potential hazards and ensure the object is stable and properly positioned.