Online Moving and Assisting of People Level 2 (VTQ)

62 videos, 3 hours and 14 minutes

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Assisted rolling a. patient

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Proper Techniques for Rolling a Bed-Bound Individual

In this guide, we'll explore the correct procedures for turning a bed-bound person. This process is crucial for the individual's comfort and to prevent pressure sores. We'll look at different methods, considering the preferences of the individual, as well as best practices.

Understanding the Individual's Preference

Individual preferences can vary greatly - some people may prefer lying on their back, while others might find more comfort on their side or front. It's important to assess the person's preference and adapt the approach accordingly.

Rolling Towards vs Rolling Away

There are two main schools of thought regarding the direction of rolling - either towards or away from the carer. Both techniques have their merits, and it's vital to consider which is more suitable in each situation.

Rolling the Person Towards You

Our first demonstration involves getting an individual, let's call them Doe, to roll towards the carer. This method can provide a sense of safety and comfort for the bed-bound person. Follow these steps:

  1. Ensure Doe is slightly distanced from the side of the bed you are standing on.
  2. Ask Doe to cross their arms over their chest.
  3. Then, ask them to lift a leg and plant the foot on the bed, similar to the positioning when applying slings.
  4. Next, apply gentle pressure to Doe's knee and thigh to roll them onto their side.
  5. Have Doe bring their leg over and slightly back.
  6. Lastly, place a hand on the side to maintain balance.

With Doe now on their side, you can put the guardrails back up. It's also possible to prop pillows behind them to provide support and help maintain the position.

Rolling the Person Away from You

The second technique involves rolling Doe away from the carer. This method can be performed by a single carer, as follows:

  1. Ask Doe to raise one hand, as if waving to the other side of the bed, and then place it comfortably on the bed.
  2. Have them place their other hand near their cheek.
  3. Assist Doe in moving a leg over to one side.
  4. Then, gently roll Doe onto their side, adjusting as needed for comfort.

Once in position, you can check Doe's back for pressure sores and add supportive pillows to maintain the position.

Following Best Practice

Best practices involve making decisions based on organisational policies and procedures. Whichever technique you employ, remember that the primary goal is to ensure the comfort and well-being of the person in your care.