Online Moving and Assisting of People Level 2 (VTQ)

62 videos, 3 hours and 14 minutes

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Appropriate footwear and clothing

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3 min 28 sec
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Choosing the Right Attire for Carers Involved in Moving and Handling

When working as a carer, especially in moving and handling tasks, choosing the right attire is critical for both safety and efficiency. This article provides guidance on what to wear to ensure a safer and more effective work environment.

From the Bottom Up: Appropriate Footwear

Footwear plays a crucial role in maintaining balance during any movement or handling. High heels or thick-soled shoes are discouraged due to the stability risks they pose. Flat shoes that cover the toes and remain securely on the feet are recommended to prevent injuries that could occur from moving equipment. Sliders or Crocs without a back strap should be avoided, while Crocs with an ankle guard are acceptable.

Clothing: Trousers and Tops

When considering the rest of the attire, trousers or leggings are advised to protect against potential grazes from machinery parts. Loose-fitting clothing on the upper body should be avoided as it could get caught in machinery or be grabbed by an individual. Always ensure your clothing is clean and tidy.

Jewellery and Accessories

While jewellery may not pose the same risk as in a factory setting, it should still be considered carefully. Necklaces or chains could be accidentally pulled by a patient or get caught in machinery. Likewise, rings, bracelets and watches could potentially get stuck in moving parts. Therefore, it's advised to keep jewellery to a minimum during moving and handling tasks.

Other considerations include keeping fingernails short and trimmed to prevent accidental scratching and thinking about watches, which may also get caught in machinery.

Hair and Uniforms

Hair should be kept neatly tied back, especially for those with long hair, to prevent it from being grabbed or caught in equipment. When leaning over a patient or a sling, loose hair could get tangled or grabbed, posing a potential hazard.

In terms of uniforms, most healthcare settings have specific attire that has been designed with safety and practicality in mind. It's essential to adhere to these guidelines, prioritising safety over personal preference.

In conclusion, the attire of a carer involved in moving and handling tasks plays a significant role in ensuring their safety, as well as the safety and comfort of the individuals they care for.