Online Moving and Assisting of People Level 2 (VTQ)

62 videos, 3 hours and 14 minutes

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Steps and uneven ground

Video 44 of 62
3 min 16 sec
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Helping Patients Navigate Different Outdoor Surfaces

When working as a carer, it's important to assist patients or service users in navigating different outdoor surfaces effectively and safely. Let's explore some of the challenges you may face and how to handle them.

Handling Steps and Handrails

In outdoor settings, individuals may encounter steps with varying widths and heights, which can pose navigational difficulties. Handrails, usually present on one side, can be helpful, but their height and material may also vary.

Weather conditions can further complicate the situation by making surfaces slippery. If a single step is involved, staff should be positioned behind the individual when going up and in front when descending. Direct the individual towards the handrail for additional support.

Navigating Uneven Surfaces

Many outdoor areas have uneven surfaces due to reasons like paving slabs being displaced by tree roots. For individuals with mobility concerns, these can create trip hazards. It's the responsibility of the staff to look ahead and identify these potential hazards.

In such scenarios, you may need to offer physical support to the individual. You can provide a hand for them to hold and place your other hand on their back for reassurance and balance.

Dealing with Curbs, Slopes and Transitions

The height of curbs can differ greatly and may require specific navigation strategies. You might need to locate an area with a driveway for easier access, albeit these areas often have a slight slope. Monitor the person carefully as they navigate these transitions.

Consider the end goal: Are you crossing the road or getting into a vehicle? The positioning of the vehicle and the curb height can play a big role in the difficulty of the task.

Consider also the presence of slopes, especially in buildings with disabled access. Some individuals may prefer these steps due to limitations in their range of movement. Always take your time, reassure the individual, and ensure they feel safe and supported in all these procedures.