Online Moving and Assisting of People Level 2 (VTQ)

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Back and spinal injuries

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Back and Spinal Injuries: Understanding and Prevention

The Significance of Back and Spinal Health

Recognizing the Importance of Your Back

Back and spinal injuries are the most prevalent forms of work-related ill health. Your back is a vital part of your body, responsible for daily activities, and its importance becomes apparent when it is injured and causes pain. Even simple movements can become excruciating with a back injury.

Anatomy of the Spine

Structure and Function of the Spine

The spine supports the entire bodyweight and facilitates movement. It also provides protection to the body's major organs. The spine consists of individual bones called vertebrae, including:

  • Cervical Vertebrae: Seven vertebrae at the top of the spine
  • Thoracic Vertebrae: Twelve vertebrae in the middle of the spine
  • Lumbar Vertebrae: Five vertebrae in the lower back
  • Coccyx: The base of the spine

The vertebrae are separated by 23 spinal discs, and within the spine, the spinal cord controls all body functions and movements.

Types of Back and Spinal Injuries

Varieties of Injury and Their Effects

Back and spinal injuries can manifest in different forms:

  • Disc Damage: Can lead to prolapsed discs, lesions, or slipped discs
  • Related Injuries: Such as sciatica or lumbago
  • Nerve Damage: Aggravated by poor manual handling or other activities

Causes and Prevention of Back and Spinal Injuries

Identifying Causes and Taking Protective Measures

It is essential to note that lifting heavy loads is not the sole cause of back and spinal injuries. Other contributing factors include twisting, poor posture, improper lifting techniques, repetitive actions, stretches, and leaning. Some injuries occur suddenly, while others develop over time due to repeated actions. Back injuries can have short-term or long-lasting effects, emphasizing the need to prioritize personal protection.