Online Moving and Assisting of People Level 2 (VTQ)

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Using Slide Sheets

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8 min 15 sec
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Utilising Slide Sheets for Patient Repositioning: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Slide Sheets and Their Importance

Slide sheets are invaluable tools in healthcare settings, especially when dealing with patients who have limited physical mobility. They help staff reposition patients safely, reducing the risk of injury caused by shearing or friction. They come in various forms, including rolling slide sheets and separate sheets, and are designed to ease the process of moving patients in bed or adjusting their position for comfort and safety.

Preparing for Patient Repositioning

Before beginning the repositioning process, it's essential to ensure the patient's safety and comfort. This includes removing safety rails on the bed, adjusting the profiling or hospital bed's height to a comfortable level for the staff, and ensuring the bed's brakes are engaged. It's advisable to keep the patient informed about each step, to ensure their cooperation and comfort.

Using Slide Sheets: Step by Step

The repositioning process involves a few key steps to ensure maximum comfort and safety for both the patient and the care providers:

1. Positioning the Slide Sheet

Start by having the patient bend their knee, holding it in place to make rolling easier. Roll the slide sheet halfway, then carefully roll the patient towards you while another staff member places the slide sheet behind the patient. Ensure the edge of the sheet aligns with the edge of the bed, and the sheet extends past the patient's head. Once the sheet is positioned, the patient can be rolled back onto it.

2. Repositioning the Patient

To reposition the patient, staff members should stand shoulder to waist, with legs spread for stability and slightly bent knees. Grasp the top of the slide sheet and lean to one side, displacing your weight to move the patient. Remember, the goal is to slide, not lift, the patient. If necessary, the process can be repeated until the patient is in the desired position.

3. Removing the Slide Sheet

Once the patient is comfortably repositioned, the slide sheet should be removed as they're not designed for prolonged use. Slide the sheet out from under the patient, ensuring minimal discomfort and maintaining the patient's position. Finally, adjust the bed and the patient's head to a comfortable position.

Repositioning the Patient within the Bed

On occasions where the patient has moved to one side of the bed, a slide sheet can be used to safely move them back to the center. Position the slide sheet beneath the patient, then, using the same method as before, slide the patient back to the middle of the bed. Following this, ensure the slide sheets are removed promptly to maintain the patient's comfort.